The MEPS is a set of large-scale surveys of families, individuals and their medical providers (doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, etc.) in the United States. It has data on the health services Americans use, how often they use them, the cost of these services and how they are paid, as well as data on the cost and reach of health insurance available to American workers. The sample is restricted to persons aged between 21 and 64 years and contains a variable response with 3328 observations of outpatient costs, of which 526 (15.8%) correspond to unobserved expenditure values and identified as zero expenditure for adjustment of the models. It also includes the following explanatory variables:

  • educ: education status

  • age: Age

  • income: income

  • female: gender

  • vgood: a numeric vector

  • good: a numeric vector

  • hospexp: a numeric vector

  • totchr: number of chronic diseases

  • ffs: a numeric vector

  • dhospexp: a numeric vector

  • age2: a numeric vector

  • agefem: a numeric vector

  • fairpoor: a numeric vector

  • year01: a numeric vector

  • instype: a numeric vector

  • ambexp: a numeric vector

  • lambexp: log ambulatory expenditures

  • blhisp: ethnicity

  • instype_s1: a numeric vector

  • dambexp: dummy variable, ambulatory expenditures

  • lnambx: a numeric vector

  • ins: insurance status



An object of class data.frame with 3328 rows and 22 columns.


2001 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.


Cameron A Colin, Pravin K Trivedi (2009). “Microeconometrics using STATA.” Lakeway Drive, TX: Stata Press Books. Mikhail Zhelonkin, Marc G. Genton, Elvezio Ronchetti (2019). ssmrob: Robust Estimation and Inference in Sample Selection Models. R package version 0.7, Ott Toomet, Arne Henningsen (2008). “Sample Selection Models in R: Package sampleSelection.” Journal of Statistical Software, 27(7).


#> The following objects are masked from MEPS2001 (pos = 3):
#>     age, age2, agefem, ambexp, blhisp, dambexp, dhospexp, educ,
#>     fairpoor, female, ffs, good, hospexp, income, ins, instype,
#>     instype_s1, lambexp, lnambx, totchr, vgood, year01
#> The following objects are masked from MEPS2001 (pos = 4):
#>     age, age2, agefem, ambexp, blhisp, dambexp, dhospexp, educ,
#>     fairpoor, female, ffs, good, hospexp, income, ins, instype,
#>     instype_s1, lambexp, lnambx, totchr, vgood, year01
#> The following objects are masked from Mroz87:
#>     age, educ
#> The following objects are masked from MEPS2001 (pos = 6):
#>     age, age2, agefem, ambexp, blhisp, dambexp, dhospexp, educ,
#>     fairpoor, female, ffs, good, hospexp, income, ins, instype,
#>     instype_s1, lambexp, lnambx, totchr, vgood, year01
#> The following objects are masked from MEPS2001 (pos = 7):
#>     age, age2, agefem, ambexp, blhisp, dambexp, dhospexp, educ,
#>     fairpoor, female, ffs, good, hospexp, income, ins, instype,
#>     instype_s1, lambexp, lnambx, totchr, vgood, year01
#> The following objects are masked from MEPS2001 (pos = 8):
#>     age, age2, agefem, ambexp, blhisp, dambexp, dhospexp, educ,
#>     fairpoor, female, ffs, good, hospexp, income, ins, instype,
#>     instype_s1, lambexp, lnambx, totchr, vgood, year01
#> The following objects are masked from MEPS2001 (pos = 9):
#>     age, age2, agefem, ambexp, blhisp, dambexp, dhospexp, educ,
#>     fairpoor, female, ffs, good, hospexp, income, ins, instype,
#>     instype_s1, lambexp, lnambx, totchr, vgood, year01

selectEq <- dambexp ~ age + female + educ + blhisp + totchr + ins + income
outcomeEq <- lnambx ~ age + female + educ + blhisp + totchr + ins
HeckmanCL(selectEq, outcomeEq, data = MEPS2001)
#> $coefficients
#>  (Intercept)          age       female         educ       blhisp       totchr 
#> -0.676054447  0.087936135  0.662664579  0.061948465 -0.363937492  0.796951550 
#>          ins       income  (Intercept)          age       female         educ 
#>  0.170136713  0.002707766  5.044061441  0.211974841  0.348142614  0.018715790 
#>       blhisp       totchr          ins        sigma          rho 
#> -0.218570297  0.539919016 -0.029987525  1.271017348 -0.130601085 
#> $value
#> [1] -5836.219
#> $loglik
#> [1] 5836.219
#> $counts
#> gradient 
#>       22 
#> $hessian
#>               XS(Intercept)         XSage      XSfemale        XSeduc
#> XS(Intercept)  -1195.909444   -4597.86239   -447.187811  -15544.13466
#> XSage          -4597.862395  -19140.40211  -1715.628824  -59713.64068
#> XSfemale        -447.187811   -1715.62882   -447.187811   -5839.20635
#> XSeduc        -15544.134660  -59713.64068  -5839.206346 -210324.33797
#> XSblhisp        -467.449924   -1731.96562   -194.730135   -5707.13455
#> XStotchr        -203.934934    -846.15633    -73.569467   -2581.84080
#> XSins           -402.339530   -1656.33995   -132.765206   -5304.95307
#> XSincome      -40618.461787 -162172.68017 -13128.851583 -553593.36373
#> XO(Intercept)    -82.937170    -323.24255    -34.259451   -1091.63716
#> XOage           -323.242402   -1362.51700   -130.593940   -4251.37940
#> XOfemale         -34.259451    -130.59405    -34.259451    -447.07667
#> XOeduc         -1091.632875   -4251.36177   -447.072982  -14947.53551
#> XOblhisp         -29.843843    -112.87983    -14.481207    -369.71522
#> XOtotchr         -16.772167     -70.27938     -6.016024    -212.25263
#> XOins            -28.901765    -118.61304    -10.623548    -386.58671
#> sigma             -4.937961     -22.40171     -3.160842     -70.61856
#> rho              -36.232581    -147.00661     -6.986844    -458.42800
#>                    XSblhisp     XStotchr         XSins      XSincome
#> XS(Intercept) -4.674499e+02  -203.934934   -402.339530   -40618.4618
#> XSage         -1.731966e+03  -846.156326  -1656.339951  -162172.6802
#> XSfemale      -1.947301e+02   -73.569467   -132.765206   -13128.8516
#> XSeduc        -5.707135e+03 -2581.840804  -5304.953071  -553593.3637
#> XSblhisp      -4.674499e+02   -77.817653   -141.619830   -13497.7275
#> XStotchr      -7.781765e+01  -236.708605    -59.414176    -6706.4687
#> XSins         -1.416198e+02   -59.414176   -402.339530   -15631.1407
#> XSincome      -1.349773e+04 -6706.468704 -15631.140671 -2086259.5634
#> XO(Intercept) -2.984384e+01   -16.772169    -28.901765    -2884.8958
#> XOage         -1.128798e+02   -70.279236   -118.612976   -11724.3668
#> XOfemale      -1.448121e+01    -6.016025    -10.623548    -1028.7620
#> XOeduc        -3.697149e+02  -212.248407   -386.584768   -39738.7823
#> XOblhisp      -2.984384e+01    -6.304322     -9.913023     -876.9645
#> XOtotchr      -6.304321e+00   -19.588640     -5.309527     -567.2964
#> XOins         -9.913023e+00    -5.309528    -28.901765    -1139.9883
#> sigma         -9.992005e-01    -2.714692     -2.295165     -229.7436
#> rho           -1.907560e+01    -3.705549    -12.196482    -1394.2449
#>               XO(Intercept)        XOage      XOfemale       XOeduc
#> XS(Intercept)     -82.93717   -323.24240    -34.259451   -1091.6329
#> XSage            -323.24255  -1362.51700   -130.594054   -4251.3618
#> XSfemale          -34.25945   -130.59394    -34.259451    -447.0730
#> XSeduc          -1091.63716  -4251.37940   -447.076674  -14947.5355
#> XSblhisp          -29.84384   -112.87982    -14.481207    -369.7149
#> XStotchr          -16.77217    -70.27924     -6.016025    -212.2484
#> XSins             -28.90176   -118.61298    -10.623548    -386.5848
#> XSincome        -2884.89578 -11724.36676  -1028.762040  -39738.7823
#> XO(Intercept)   -1742.98560  -7187.35012   -964.222412  -23662.3705
#> XOage           -7187.35012 -31810.55192  -3952.669141  -97654.5124
#> XOfemale         -964.22241  -3952.66914   -964.222412  -13068.0329
#> XOeduc         -23662.37049 -97654.51240 -13068.032898 -332253.2803
#> XOblhisp         -481.56059  -1899.01945   -286.232182   -6135.2292
#> XOtotchr         -967.37761  -4325.05759   -588.676824  -13041.4279
#> XOins            -656.64337  -2798.71929   -334.737516   -9013.4979
#> sigma              53.09172    202.41329     18.587519     684.9378
#> rho              -525.35913  -2007.42647   -184.778055   -6783.6773
#>                   XOblhisp      XOtotchr        XOins         sigma
#> XS(Intercept)   -29.843843    -16.772167   -28.901765    -4.9379612
#> XSage          -112.879833    -70.279379  -118.613037   -22.4017080
#> XSfemale        -14.481207     -6.016024   -10.623548    -3.1608421
#> XSeduc         -369.715221   -212.252630  -386.586710   -70.6185604
#> XSblhisp        -29.843843     -6.304321    -9.913023    -0.9992005
#> XStotchr         -6.304322    -19.588640    -5.309528    -2.7146920
#> XSins            -9.913023     -5.309527   -28.901765    -2.2951647
#> XSincome       -876.964524   -567.296400 -1139.988255  -229.7435803
#> XO(Intercept)  -481.560595   -967.377611  -656.643373    53.0917168
#> XOage         -1899.019449  -4325.057593 -2798.719288   202.4132923
#> XOfemale       -286.232182   -588.676824  -334.737516    18.5875186
#> XOeduc        -6135.229157 -13041.427884 -9013.497938   684.9378026
#> XOblhisp       -481.560595   -246.394407  -163.198983    21.5925284
#> XOtotchr       -246.394407  -1677.051456  -331.715447     7.4400240
#> XOins          -163.198983   -331.715447  -656.643373    17.3600369
#> sigma            21.592528      7.440024    17.360037 -3471.9681271
#> rho            -213.099265    -75.505446  -172.499582  -140.8603278
#>                        rho
#> XS(Intercept)   -36.232581
#> XSage          -147.006612
#> XSfemale         -6.986844
#> XSeduc         -458.428004
#> XSblhisp        -19.075596
#> XStotchr         -3.705549
#> XSins           -12.196482
#> XSincome      -1394.244892
#> XO(Intercept)  -525.359131
#> XOage         -2007.426468
#> XOfemale       -184.778055
#> XOeduc        -6783.677280
#> XOblhisp       -213.099265
#> XOtotchr        -75.505446
#> XOins          -172.499582
#> sigma          -140.860328
#> rho            -302.389298
#> $fisher_infoHC
#>               XS(Intercept)         XSage      XSfemale        XSeduc
#> XS(Intercept)  3.764722e-02 -2.981587e-03 -6.861915e-04 -1.869130e-03
#> XSage         -2.981587e-03  7.519029e-04 -7.408385e-05  3.185889e-05
#> XSfemale      -6.861915e-04 -7.408385e-05  3.713346e-03 -6.268246e-05
#> XSeduc        -1.869130e-03  3.185889e-05 -6.268246e-05  1.447044e-04
#> XSblhisp      -4.210093e-03  1.494982e-04 -2.462658e-04  1.558701e-04
#> XStotchr      -5.776465e-04 -2.405228e-04  7.056688e-05  3.389577e-05
#> XSins         -3.869380e-05 -2.732534e-04  1.904098e-04 -9.986414e-06
#> XSincome       2.842700e-05 -6.512108e-06  1.226652e-05 -5.127877e-06
#> XO(Intercept) -2.647131e-03  3.067367e-04 -2.724159e-04  8.672696e-05
#> XOage          1.643362e-04 -4.145018e-05  1.433647e-05  1.579988e-07
#> XOfemale       2.104534e-04 -3.645200e-05 -9.434599e-05  3.384493e-06
#> XOeduc         1.106758e-04 -4.603138e-06  1.043552e-05 -6.597114e-06
#> XOblhisp       1.161965e-04  1.549618e-05 -4.412218e-05 -9.501428e-06
#> XOtotchr       1.073149e-04 -1.650638e-05  6.296352e-05  6.638890e-07
#> XOins          6.739452e-05  1.383976e-08  1.109091e-05  1.320328e-06
#> sigma         -3.070051e-05  7.400325e-06 -1.543423e-05 -3.397336e-07
#> rho            6.950046e-04 -1.627621e-04  2.957886e-04  4.483697e-06
#>                    XSblhisp      XStotchr         XSins      XSincome
#> XS(Intercept) -4.210093e-03 -5.776465e-04 -3.869380e-05  2.842700e-05
#> XSage          1.494982e-04 -2.405228e-04 -2.732534e-04 -6.512108e-06
#> XSfemale      -2.462658e-04  7.056688e-05  1.904098e-04  1.226652e-05
#> XSeduc         1.558701e-04  3.389577e-05 -9.986414e-06 -5.127877e-06
#> XSblhisp       3.828340e-03  4.718856e-05  6.843061e-05  5.135064e-06
#> XStotchr       4.718856e-05  5.059516e-03  2.557521e-04  1.983789e-06
#> XSins          6.843061e-05  2.557521e-04  3.952760e-03 -7.435960e-06
#> XSincome       5.135064e-06  1.983789e-06 -7.435960e-06  1.732178e-06
#> XO(Intercept)  5.488090e-04 -2.349165e-04 -1.654882e-05  5.020430e-06
#> XOage         -2.219823e-05  1.901221e-05  1.317485e-05 -2.337244e-07
#> XOfemale      -7.152123e-05  6.642616e-05 -2.143937e-06 -1.208984e-06
#> XOeduc        -1.707546e-05  6.372288e-06  1.805726e-06 -1.173944e-07
#> XOblhisp      -1.581116e-04 -3.961079e-05 -1.737364e-05  7.739287e-07
#> XOtotchr      -5.760361e-05 -3.932938e-05 -2.536954e-06 -7.951501e-07
#> XOins         -3.291426e-05  4.074546e-06 -1.765137e-04 -3.390664e-07
#> sigma          1.517225e-05 -1.145107e-05 -1.934819e-06  2.131044e-07
#> rho           -3.091819e-04  1.878099e-04  3.218574e-05 -4.835804e-06
#>               XO(Intercept)         XOage      XOfemale        XOeduc
#> XS(Intercept) -2.647131e-03  1.643362e-04  2.104534e-04  1.106758e-04
#> XSage          3.067367e-04 -4.145018e-05 -3.645200e-05 -4.603138e-06
#> XSfemale      -2.724159e-04  1.433647e-05 -9.434599e-05  1.043552e-05
#> XSeduc         8.672696e-05  1.579988e-07  3.384493e-06 -6.597114e-06
#> XSblhisp       5.488090e-04 -2.219823e-05 -7.152123e-05 -1.707546e-05
#> XStotchr      -2.349165e-04  1.901221e-05  6.642616e-05  6.372288e-06
#> XSins         -1.654882e-05  1.317485e-05 -2.143937e-06  1.805726e-06
#> XSincome       5.020430e-06 -2.337244e-07 -1.208984e-06 -1.173944e-07
#> XO(Intercept)  5.204169e-02 -2.875291e-03 -6.814115e-03 -1.937057e-03
#> XOage         -2.875291e-03  5.293328e-04  2.424289e-04  2.377044e-05
#> XOfemale      -6.814115e-03  2.424289e-04  3.613737e-03  1.386035e-04
#> XOeduc        -1.937057e-03  2.377044e-05  1.386035e-04  1.112452e-04
#> XOblhisp       7.365340e-04 -2.778803e-05 -9.297705e-04  1.951988e-05
#> XOtotchr      -3.836353e-03 -1.413462e-06  7.586663e-04  1.081194e-04
#> XOins         -1.984290e-03 -5.332547e-05  5.093929e-04  2.374043e-05
#> sigma          1.115650e-03 -4.292399e-05 -2.561545e-04 -2.887007e-05
#> rho           -2.266864e-02  8.719727e-04  5.205051e-03  5.865967e-04
#>                    XOblhisp      XOtotchr         XOins         sigma
#> XS(Intercept)  1.161965e-04  1.073149e-04  6.739452e-05 -3.070051e-05
#> XSage          1.549618e-05 -1.650638e-05  1.383976e-08  7.400325e-06
#> XSfemale      -4.412218e-05  6.296352e-05  1.109091e-05 -1.543423e-05
#> XSeduc        -9.501428e-06  6.638890e-07  1.320328e-06 -3.397336e-07
#> XSblhisp      -1.581116e-04 -5.760361e-05 -3.291426e-05  1.517225e-05
#> XStotchr      -3.961079e-05 -3.932938e-05  4.074546e-06 -1.145107e-05
#> XSins         -1.737364e-05 -2.536954e-06 -1.765137e-04 -1.934819e-06
#> XSincome       7.739287e-07 -7.951501e-07 -3.390664e-07  2.131044e-07
#> XO(Intercept)  7.365340e-04 -3.836353e-03 -1.984290e-03  1.115650e-03
#> XOage         -2.778803e-05 -1.413462e-06 -5.332547e-05 -4.292399e-05
#> XOfemale      -9.297705e-04  7.586663e-04  5.093929e-04 -2.561545e-04
#> XOeduc         1.951988e-05  1.081194e-04  2.374043e-05 -2.887007e-05
#> XOblhisp       3.560357e-03 -5.200924e-04 -1.543450e-04  1.639115e-04
#> XOtotchr      -5.200924e-04  1.547043e-03  3.560581e-04 -1.794594e-04
#> XOins         -1.543450e-04  3.560581e-04  2.610008e-03 -7.499920e-05
#> sigma          1.639115e-04 -1.794594e-04 -7.499920e-05  3.377783e-04
#> rho           -3.330839e-03  3.646713e-03  1.523853e-03 -1.035179e-03
#>                         rho
#> XS(Intercept)  6.950046e-04
#> XSage         -1.627621e-04
#> XSfemale       2.957886e-04
#> XSeduc         4.483697e-06
#> XSblhisp      -3.091819e-04
#> XStotchr       1.878099e-04
#> XSins          3.218574e-05
#> XSincome      -4.835804e-06
#> XO(Intercept) -2.266864e-02
#> XOage          8.719727e-04
#> XOfemale       5.205051e-03
#> XOeduc         5.865967e-04
#> XOblhisp      -3.330839e-03
#> XOtotchr       3.646713e-03
#> XOins          1.523853e-03
#> sigma         -1.035179e-03
#> rho            2.163196e-02
#> $prop_sigmaHC
#> XS(Intercept)         XSage      XSfemale        XSeduc      XSblhisp 
#>   0.194028917   0.027420848   0.060937234   0.012029313   0.061873581 
#>      XStotchr         XSins      XSincome XO(Intercept)         XOage 
#>   0.071130272   0.062870983   0.001316122   0.228126473   0.023007234 
#>      XOfemale        XOeduc      XOblhisp      XOtotchr         XOins 
#>   0.060114366   0.010547285   0.059668729   0.039332461   0.051088237 
#>         sigma           rho 
#>   0.018378747   0.147078064 
#> $level
#> [1] "0" "1"
#> $nObs
#> [1] 3328
#> $nParam
#> [1] 17
#> $N0
#> [1] 526
#> $N1
#> [1] 2802
#> $NXS
#> [1] 8
#> $NXO
#> [1] 7
#> $df
#> [1] 3311
#> $aic
#> [1] 11706.44
#> $bic
#> [1] 11810.31
#> $initial.value
#> XS(Intercept)         XSage      XSfemale        XSeduc      XSblhisp 
#>  -0.668643899   0.086814848   0.663505390   0.061883892  -0.365784312 
#>      XStotchr         XSins      XSincome XO(Intercept)         XOage 
#>   0.795747277   0.169106526   0.002677301   5.288927373   0.202466773 
#>      XOfemale        XOeduc      XOblhisp      XOtotchr         XOins 
#>   0.292133967   0.012388871  -0.182865733   0.500633176  -0.046509658 
#>         sigma           rho 
#>   1.290541875  -0.359316986 
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "HeckmanCL" "list"