Estimates the parameters of the Heckman-BS model

HeckmanBS(selection, outcome, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), start = NULL)



Selection equation.


Primary Regression Equation.




initial values.


Returns a list with the following components.

Coefficients: Returns a numerical vector with the best estimated values of the model parameters;

Value: The value of function to be minimized (or maximized) corresponding to par.

loglik: Negative of value. Minimum (or maximum) of the likelihood function calculated from the estimated coefficients.

counts: Component of the Optim function. A two-element integer vector giving the number of calls to fn and gr respectively. This excludes those calls needed to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any calls to fn to compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient.

hessian: Component of the Optim function, with pre-defined option hessian=TRUE. A symmetric matrix giving an estimate of the Hessian at the solution found. Note that this is the Hessian of the unconstrained problem even if the box constraints are active.

fisher_infoBS: Fisher information matrix

prop_sigmaBS: Square root of the Fisher information matrix diagonal

level: Selection variable levels

nObs: Numeric value representing the size of the database

nParam: Numerical value representing the number of model parameters

N0: Numerical value representing the number of unobserved entries

N1: Numerical value representing the number of complete entries

NXS: Numerical value representing the number of parameters of the selection model

NXO: Numerical value representing the number of parameters of the regression model

df: Numerical value that represents the difference between the size of the response vector of the selection equation and the number of model parameters

aic: Numerical value representing Akaike's information criterion.

bic: Numerical value representing Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion

initial.value: Numerical vector that represents the input values (Initial Values) used in the parameter estimation.


The HeckmanBS() function fits the Sample Selection Model based on the Birnbaum–Saunders bivariate distribution, it has the same number of parameters as the classical Heckman model. For more information see Bastos and Barreto-Souza (2020)


Fernando de Souza Bastos, Wagner Barreto-Souza (2020). “Birnbaum–Saunders sample selection model.” Journal of Applied Statistics.


#> The following objects are masked from MEPS2001 (pos = 3):
#>     age, age2, agefem, ambexp, blhisp, dambexp, dhospexp, educ,
#>     fairpoor, female, ffs, good, hospexp, income, ins, instype,
#>     instype_s1, lambexp, lnambx, totchr, vgood, year01
selectEq <- dambexp ~ age + female + educ + blhisp + totchr + ins + income
outcomeBS <- ambexp ~ age + female + educ + blhisp + totchr + ins
HeckmanBS(selectEq, outcomeBS, data = MEPS2001)
#> $coefficients
#>  (Intercept)          age       female         educ       blhisp       totchr 
#>  0.117214034  0.089501504  0.721876433  0.068319402 -0.399014489  0.805650818 
#>          ins       income  (Intercept)          age       female         educ 
#>  0.179379257  0.003425338  5.778691485  0.246156380  0.410538195 -0.006631595 
#>       blhisp       totchr          ins        sigma          rho 
#> -0.215212004  0.588750822 -0.061326485  0.702814527  0.273046399 
#> $value
#> [1] -24470.39
#> $loglik
#> [1] 24470.39
#> $counts
#> gradient 
#>       26 
#> $hessian
#>               XS(Intercept)         XSage      XSfemale        XSeduc
#> XS(Intercept)    -895.00366   -3549.98275   -408.993983 -1.183478e+04
#> XSage           -3549.98275  -15205.09394  -1646.299820 -4.692684e+04
#> XSfemale         -408.99398   -1646.29982   -408.993983 -5.447012e+03
#> XSeduc         -11834.78124  -46926.84221  -5447.012306 -1.623142e+05
#> XSblhisp         -300.71395   -1134.48082   -142.562304 -3.715799e+03
#> XStotchr         -234.10974    -987.35081   -106.634901 -2.993895e+03
#> XSins            -317.58582   -1350.86535   -131.135226 -4.262447e+03
#> XSincome       -31728.57195 -130184.29419 -12713.419815 -4.410972e+05
#> XO(Intercept)     145.91226     574.73379     65.173638  1.934582e+03
#> XOage             574.73407    2440.74505    251.532649  7.613877e+03
#> XOfemale           65.17364     251.53254     65.173638  8.554631e+02
#> XOeduc           1934.59257    7613.91260    855.467042  2.664159e+04
#> XOblhisp           48.98263     186.53811     25.734662  6.111116e+02
#> XOtotchr           35.49441     148.41639     12.583694  4.477180e+02
#> XOins              50.73357     209.64906     19.672647  6.876696e+02
#> sigma             131.43117     519.17599     62.239861  1.737464e+03
#> rho                11.04704       3.69074     -8.270201 -6.094591e+00
#>                  XSblhisp    XStotchr        XSins     XSincome XO(Intercept)
#> XS(Intercept)  -300.71395  -234.10974   -317.58582   -31728.572     145.91226
#> XSage         -1134.48082  -987.35081  -1350.86535  -130184.294     574.73379
#> XSfemale       -142.56230  -106.63490   -131.13523   -12713.420      65.17364
#> XSeduc        -3715.79902 -2993.89452  -4262.44714  -441097.183    1934.58249
#> XSblhisp       -300.71395   -75.81600    -88.15668    -8859.777      48.98263
#> XStotchr        -75.81600  -285.78544    -65.98744    -7654.964      35.49441
#> XSins           -88.15668   -65.98744   -317.58582   -13078.270      50.73357
#> XSincome      -8859.77722 -7654.96429 -13078.27031 -1738746.163    5273.97201
#> XO(Intercept)    48.98263    35.49441     50.73357     5273.972   -1887.67336
#> XOage           186.53819   148.41633    209.64917    21632.058   -7560.91710
#> XOfemale         25.73466    12.58370     19.67265     1934.709    -976.37835
#> XOeduc          611.11462   447.71564    687.67340    73915.737  -25852.28240
#> XOblhisp         48.98263    13.89754     16.12141     1431.923    -528.70520
#> XOtotchr         13.89754    42.53849     10.92498     1198.374    -846.88408
#> XOins            16.12141    10.92498     50.73357     2212.221    -652.89490
#> sigma            42.80313    35.85693     43.43284     4910.383   -1263.97681
#> rho              19.24115   -16.02284    -19.73709      471.142    -562.51139
#>                      XOage     XOfemale       XOeduc    XOblhisp     XOtotchr
#> XS(Intercept)     574.7341     65.17364    1934.5926    48.98263     35.49441
#> XSage            2440.7450    251.53254    7613.9126   186.53811    148.41639
#> XSfemale          251.5326     65.17364     855.4670    25.73466     12.58369
#> XSeduc           7613.8772    855.46312   26641.5917   611.11162    447.71795
#> XSblhisp          186.5382     25.73466     611.1146    48.98263     13.89754
#> XStotchr          148.4163     12.58370     447.7156    13.89754     42.53849
#> XSins             209.6492     19.67265     687.6734    16.12141     10.92498
#> XSincome        21632.0582   1934.70930   73915.7373  1431.92281   1198.37354
#> XO(Intercept)   -7560.9171   -976.37835  -25852.2824  -528.70520   -846.88408
#> XOage          -32512.2602  -3804.91296 -103645.2183 -2042.16975  -3686.39756
#> XOfemale        -3804.9130   -976.37835  -13339.3933  -318.85052   -442.86647
#> XOeduc        -103645.2183 -13339.39327 -365132.6780 -6961.74532 -11475.32962
#> XOblhisp        -2042.1697   -318.85052   -6961.7453  -528.70520   -245.24403
#> XOtotchr        -3686.3976   -442.86647  -11475.3296  -245.24403  -1357.38306
#> XOins           -2704.8831   -302.77242   -9231.2538  -171.67597   -255.25125
#> sigma           -5075.4607   -665.71443  -17243.6647  -353.02637   -585.19986
#> rho             -2131.7235   -213.20278   -7338.5351  -212.86241    -83.79770
#>                     XOins        sigma          rho
#> XS(Intercept)    50.73357    131.43117    11.047036
#> XSage           209.64906    519.17599     3.690740
#> XSfemale         19.67265     62.23986    -8.270201
#> XSeduc          687.66961   1737.46351    -6.094591
#> XSblhisp         16.12141     42.80313    19.241146
#> XStotchr         10.92498     35.85693   -16.022841
#> XSins            50.73357     43.43284   -19.737094
#> XSincome       2212.22150   4910.38317   471.142022
#> XO(Intercept)  -652.89490  -1263.97681  -562.511386
#> XOage         -2704.88306  -5075.46066 -2131.723489
#> XOfemale       -302.77242   -665.71443  -213.202779
#> XOeduc        -9231.25378 -17243.66473 -7338.535062
#> XOblhisp       -171.67597   -353.02637  -212.862408
#> XOtotchr       -255.25125   -585.19986   -83.797699
#> XOins          -652.89490   -423.82997  -178.884679
#> sigma          -423.82997  -3647.85504  -785.959797
#> rho            -178.88468   -785.95980  -609.319088
#> $fisher_infoBS
#>               XS(Intercept)         XSage      XSfemale        XSeduc
#> XS(Intercept)  5.534948e-02 -4.023380e-03 -6.864295e-04 -2.808772e-03
#> XSage         -4.023380e-03  9.967557e-04 -2.052827e-04  4.299028e-05
#> XSfemale      -6.864295e-04 -2.052827e-04  4.766135e-03 -1.044302e-04
#> XSeduc        -2.808772e-03  4.299028e-05 -1.044302e-04  2.157722e-04
#> XSblhisp      -6.078003e-03  2.404204e-04 -1.306737e-04  2.266997e-04
#> XStotchr      -1.425989e-03 -2.868493e-04  8.322320e-05  7.287642e-05
#> XSins         -3.740272e-04 -4.005280e-04  2.960679e-04  8.677763e-06
#> XSincome       4.777139e-05 -7.479664e-06  1.752897e-05 -7.386744e-06
#> XO(Intercept)  3.363856e-03 -2.445830e-04 -3.441012e-05 -1.436140e-04
#> XOage         -2.534534e-04  7.587772e-05 -3.524658e-06 -3.376680e-06
#> XOfemale       1.400165e-04 -1.259713e-05  3.376006e-04 -2.230047e-05
#> XOeduc        -1.862319e-04 -1.578404e-06 -8.239294e-06  1.378763e-05
#> XOblhisp      -5.890060e-04  2.782909e-05  4.722936e-07  2.752756e-05
#> XOtotchr       2.115858e-04 -3.507405e-05 -2.827792e-05 -1.374020e-05
#> XOins          8.045280e-05 -3.177718e-05  2.576322e-05 -1.102904e-05
#> sigma         -1.686681e-04  8.645848e-06  1.698589e-05  1.220376e-05
#> rho            1.256989e-03 -6.519526e-05 -8.023200e-05 -8.624263e-05
#>                    XSblhisp      XStotchr         XSins      XSincome
#> XS(Intercept) -6.078003e-03 -1.425989e-03 -3.740272e-04  4.777139e-05
#> XSage          2.404204e-04 -2.868493e-04 -4.005280e-04 -7.479664e-06
#> XSfemale      -1.306737e-04  8.322320e-05  2.960679e-04  1.752897e-05
#> XSeduc         2.266997e-04  7.287642e-05  8.677763e-06 -7.386744e-06
#> XSblhisp       5.527981e-03  1.468296e-04  2.772705e-04  5.418641e-06
#> XStotchr       1.468296e-04  4.652400e-03  5.117805e-04  3.429886e-06
#> XSins          2.772705e-04  5.117805e-04  5.343974e-03 -1.105313e-05
#> XSincome       5.418641e-06  3.429886e-06 -1.105313e-05  2.045751e-06
#> XO(Intercept) -4.455381e-04  2.264664e-04  3.661291e-04 -4.835963e-06
#> XOage          2.097978e-05 -3.463524e-05 -4.265312e-05  2.635819e-07
#> XOfemale      -5.057279e-06 -8.115009e-05 -4.767851e-05  8.040675e-07
#> XOeduc         1.549088e-05 -6.690096e-06 -1.786914e-05  1.509520e-07
#> XOblhisp       4.480492e-04  6.045079e-05  8.080080e-05 -8.903573e-07
#> XOtotchr       1.566165e-05  1.269467e-04 -3.024693e-05  8.019458e-07
#> XOins          2.796819e-05  3.271077e-05  3.959553e-04  4.972026e-07
#> sigma         -1.052996e-05  3.985147e-05  5.037968e-05 -5.460524e-07
#> rho            5.648562e-05 -2.395913e-04 -3.618450e-04  4.879608e-06
#>               XO(Intercept)         XOage      XOfemale        XOeduc
#> XS(Intercept)  3.363856e-03 -2.534534e-04  1.400165e-04 -1.862319e-04
#> XSage         -2.445830e-04  7.587772e-05 -1.259713e-05 -1.578404e-06
#> XSfemale      -3.441012e-05 -3.524658e-06  3.376006e-04 -8.239294e-06
#> XSeduc        -1.436140e-04 -3.376680e-06 -2.230047e-05  1.378763e-05
#> XSblhisp      -4.455381e-04  2.097978e-05 -5.057279e-06  1.549088e-05
#> XStotchr       2.264664e-04 -3.463524e-05 -8.115009e-05 -6.690096e-06
#> XSins          3.661291e-04 -4.265312e-05 -4.767851e-05 -1.786914e-05
#> XSincome      -4.835963e-06  2.635819e-07  8.040675e-07  1.509520e-07
#> XO(Intercept)  2.981068e-02 -2.000541e-03 -1.962580e-03 -1.381691e-03
#> XOage         -2.000541e-03  4.903108e-04  1.156348e-04  2.311871e-06
#> XOfemale      -1.962580e-03  1.156348e-04  2.326667e-03  1.260096e-05
#> XOeduc        -1.381691e-03  2.311871e-06  1.260096e-05  9.780813e-05
#> XOblhisp      -1.485677e-03  6.921575e-05 -3.308260e-04  5.425614e-05
#> XOtotchr      -5.000638e-04 -1.331669e-04  7.376951e-05  2.500128e-05
#> XOins          2.184272e-04 -1.029785e-04  1.690835e-04 -5.986388e-05
#> sigma          1.721346e-04 -1.846451e-05 -1.025475e-04 -1.199930e-05
#> rho           -2.866700e-03  1.104751e-04  6.316968e-04  9.367736e-05
#>                    XOblhisp      XOtotchr         XOins         sigma
#> XS(Intercept) -5.890060e-04  2.115858e-04  8.045280e-05 -1.686681e-04
#> XSage          2.782909e-05 -3.507405e-05 -3.177718e-05  8.645848e-06
#> XSfemale       4.722936e-07 -2.827792e-05  2.576322e-05  1.698589e-05
#> XSeduc         2.752756e-05 -1.374020e-05 -1.102904e-05  1.220376e-05
#> XSblhisp       4.480492e-04  1.566165e-05  2.796819e-05 -1.052996e-05
#> XStotchr       6.045079e-05  1.269467e-04  3.271077e-05  3.985147e-05
#> XSins          8.080080e-05 -3.024693e-05  3.959553e-04  5.037968e-05
#> XSincome      -8.903573e-07  8.019458e-07  4.972026e-07 -5.460524e-07
#> XO(Intercept) -1.485677e-03 -5.000638e-04  2.184272e-04  1.721346e-04
#> XOage          6.921575e-05 -1.331669e-04 -1.029785e-04 -1.846451e-05
#> XOfemale      -3.308260e-04  7.376951e-05  1.690835e-04 -1.025475e-04
#> XOeduc         5.425614e-05  2.500128e-05 -5.986388e-05 -1.199930e-05
#> XOblhisp       2.827221e-03 -1.175317e-04 -2.365934e-05  7.273428e-05
#> XOtotchr      -1.175317e-04  1.176412e-03  1.322251e-04 -8.822322e-05
#> XOins         -2.365934e-05  1.322251e-04  2.461127e-03 -2.853962e-06
#> sigma          7.273428e-05 -8.822322e-05 -2.853962e-06  4.293782e-04
#> rho           -4.682241e-04  5.577668e-04  8.028322e-05 -4.869989e-04
#>                         rho
#> XS(Intercept)  1.256989e-03
#> XSage         -6.519526e-05
#> XSfemale      -8.023200e-05
#> XSeduc        -8.624263e-05
#> XSblhisp       5.648562e-05
#> XStotchr      -2.395913e-04
#> XSins         -3.618450e-04
#> XSincome       4.879608e-06
#> XO(Intercept) -2.866700e-03
#> XOage          1.104751e-04
#> XOfemale       6.316968e-04
#> XOeduc         9.367736e-05
#> XOblhisp      -4.682241e-04
#> XOtotchr       5.577668e-04
#> XOins          8.028322e-05
#> sigma         -4.869989e-04
#> rho            3.291287e-03
#> $prop_sigmaBS
#> XS(Intercept)         XSage      XSfemale        XSeduc      XSblhisp 
#>   0.235264699   0.031571438   0.069037199   0.014689186   0.074350390 
#>      XStotchr         XSins      XSincome XO(Intercept)         XOage 
#>   0.068208504   0.073102488   0.001430298   0.172657710   0.022142963 
#>      XOfemale        XOeduc      XOblhisp      XOtotchr         XOins 
#>   0.048235537   0.009889800   0.053171619   0.034298861   0.049609750 
#>         sigma           rho 
#>   0.020721444   0.057369735 
#> $level
#> [1] "0" "1"
#> $nObs
#> [1] 3328
#> $nParam
#> [1] 17
#> $N0
#> [1] 526
#> $N1
#> [1] 2802
#> $NXS
#> [1] 8
#> $NXO
#> [1] 7
#> $df
#> [1] 3311
#> $aic
#> [1] 48974.79
#> $bic
#> [1] 49078.66
#> $initial.value
#> XS(Intercept)         XSage      XSfemale        XSeduc      XSblhisp 
#>  -0.668643899   0.086814848   0.663505390   0.061883892  -0.365784312 
#>      XStotchr         XSins      XSincome XO(Intercept)         XOage 
#>   0.795747277   0.169106526   0.002677301   5.288927375   0.202466774 
#>      XOfemale        XOeduc      XOblhisp      XOtotchr         XOins 
#>   0.292133955   0.012388869  -0.182865720   0.500633181  -0.046509659 
#>         sigma           rho 
#>   1.290541887  -0.359316995 
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "HeckmanBS" "list"